Web Copy

When in doubt, keep things simple.

The travel industry is awesome. But creating an effective website? Not so awesome.

You have eight seconds to hook a prospect. If your landing page does too much, is boring, or is unclear… they’ll hit the back button. Game over.

But if you have a cleanly designed, engaging website that gets straight to the point… some folks will stick around. Those are your people. They’re the ones who get you. The ones most likely to buy from you.

I’ll redo your website so when your ideal customer visits, they’ll know they’re in the right place.

Flowery copy won’t get you sales. JTS Copywriting will.

When many travel website owners create web copy, they channel their inner Alex Garland (aka the author of The Beach). But this is a huge mistake.

You’re not writing a novel. You need to channel visitors where they want to go. Some are ready to buy. Others need to learn about your services and products. And some want to know makes you different from the competition.

Painting a picture of a tropical beach with words? That won’t accomplish ANY of these goals.

So if the idea of writing conversion-focused copy intimidates you… that’s OK. We’re not all born marketers.

But it’s DEFINITELY my cup of tea. So if your website isn’t converting like it should, let’s chat.


Bronze Package

I’ll overhaul your About Page copy.

When completed, it will:

  1. Tell the story of your brand.
  2. Build trust and authority in the eyes of your prospects.
  3. Show them what to do next.

Silver Package

I’ll create homepage copy for you from scratch.

When completed, it will:

  1. Grab the attention of your prospects.
  2. Appeal to your prospect’s desires.
  3. Show them what to do next.

Gold Package

I’ll create copy for your website from scratch.

Every word written will help answer your webpage’s core question: “How does my product/service solve my customer’s problem?”